Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week in Review (yard sale edition)

Let's see if I can remember some stuff from last week...

1. Monday- worked and I think I ate at Sho Gun to celebrate a birthday.

2. Tuesday- worked and Matt and I went to MD appointment and heard baby's heartbeat. We've scheduled an ultrasound to learn the sex of the baby on July 14! Bastille Day. Also, Matt didn't work Tue night so we got to have dinner together.

3. Wednesday- worked and Matt didn't have to work again...we had dinner together two nights in a row! On Tue or Wed night we watched the 80s classic Jewel of the Nile.

4. Thursday- after work this night was dedicated to cleaning the storage bedroom. I read more notes form 7th and 8th grade. Weird.

5. Friday- took Friday off work to be home to get ready for the yardsale. More note reading and throwing stuff away. I'm down to a very manageable number of boxes of stuff.

6. Saturday- up at 6am putting up posters for the yard sale. Me, my mom, and my sister-in-law did well for not advertising in the paper. Matt, Lola, my nephew Zayne and niece Lauren helped out too. I'm glad Dana and Lora stopped by. I almost made $100. Saturday night I went to a work party and then watched a really bad movie with a friend.

Looking forward to Bastille Day!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Lovely breakfast of blackberry cobbler! It was really hot here today- it was almost 80 when I walked Lola around 7:30am. I finally got to go swimming! It was a nice change of pace.

Paducah yesterday was fun, too. Mom and I did some shopping, ate at Max Brick Oven, and then saw "Babies" at the movies.

While Matt is mowing the yard...I've continued cleaning out the spare room. I'm pretty annal- going through almost every single sheet of paper, many high school notes that weren't pitched the first time I paired down, and I'm finally getting rid of my collection of high school/college tee shirts. Bye bye MHS Speech "Big Enchilada" XL long MHS, CCHS, MCHS band shirts circa 1993-2002. I am keeping a few...a drum line shirt that is cool, my whiffle ball league shirt, a few others. It feels good to get rid of this stuff.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


We have a Standard Poodle, Lola. She is great...but needs more discipline. I've signed her up for an obedience class and it starts next week. Hoping for the best.

The pregnancy is going well. I'm in week 13 and I haven't been nauseous in a few days. I do have a chronic headache, though. Going shopping today to visit the Motherhood store for the first time...then taking my mom to see the movie "Babies."

I'm so glad it's the weekend!