Saturday, July 17, 2010

Few weeks: recap

Things have gotten really busy at work...blah blah blah. Let's see if I can remember anything from the last few weeks.

We found out we're having a girl! Pretty exciting stuff. I'm showing a lot more but I still haven't gained much weight. I've also found out that my good friend Gigi, from Murray State, is expecting in December...and friend from Florida State is also expecting in December.

Lola has been learning some from obedience class. She can still be such a puppy. She's got to start listening better...We've been working on "stay" and next week we start on "come." It's about time. I wish I was more patient with the training.

I've learned how to knit. I've started a crochet project that I don't like- I probably start over.

Guess that's it.